Photo by RJ Johnson

Our vision is to bring the BTGHT mobile app to every region in the U.S. to help sexually exploited survivors and other vulnerable populations get the resources they need.



In App Messaging, Dial, and Email of app members. Push notifications for:

Urgent needs - Within 24 hrs such as shelter, airfare or bus/train ticket, hygiene items, food, clothing, gift cards, etc.

Non-urgent needs - Items needed such as long term housing, rent assistance, furniture, counseling, etc.

Resources available - Donated items such as hygiene items, clothing, gift cards, etc.

Volunteer opportunities - Organizations who have openings for volunteers or staff.

Events/Trainings - Upcoming events related to human trafficking, abuse, trauma, or domestic violence.

All users have access to local service providers as well service providers for every region using the app. 

Interested in bringing the BTGHT mobile app to your region?

Take Action

YOU are a vital part of helping trafficking survivors get the resources they need. You may donate directly to our Survivor Resource Fund or to help us expand the Bridging The Gap HT mobile app throughout the U.S. so that other regions can meet the needs of survivors.