Help trafficking survivors get the resources they need


Help trafficking survivors get the resources they need 〰️


YOU are a vital part of helping trafficking survivors get the resources they need. You may donate directly to our Survivor Resource Fund, help us expand the Bridging The Gap HT mobile app nationwide, or help us duplicate the current mobile app to help other vulnerable populations.

We do not receive any government funding or grants. We are supported through generous individuals, churches, businesses, and others who want to help the most vulnerable and impact lives in powerful ways. We would love your continued support to accomplish our mission of expanding the app locally and nationally. 

We want to expand the Bridging The Gap app to every region in the U.S.

In January 2023, we launched the app in NW Oregon. If you are interested in joining the BTGHT mobile app to help meet the needs in the Portland Metro area, please contact us.

We are incredibly grateful for your support and to have you with us on this amazing journey. Thank you for your kindness and heart to help the most vulnerable.

All donations are tax deductible. Tax ID#: 83-0568974


OTHER ways to HELP: 

  1. Link your Fred Meyer Community Rewards account to us by simply going online to Fred Meyer and selecting us as the charity that FM donates to (Tax ID 83-0568974). Each time you shop at FM, they automatically give a portion back to the charity you’ve selected. 

  2. Tell others! Spread the word.

  3. Volunteer: We would love help with data entry, social media and other admin projects. 

  4. Donate gift cards for airline tickets, hotel stays/safe shelter, hygiene items, clothing, travel expenses, food, ID fees, and much more for trafficking survivors and their children.