BTGO History

Bridging the Gap is a long time-vision of Officer Mike Gallagher, Portland Police Bureau Sex Trafficking Unit.  Over the years, Mike would spend countless hours tracking down resources for sexually exploited victims, and at the same time, had organizations offering to help, but no way to effectively and efficiently communicate with them. His idea was to fill the gap by communicating, in real time, the urgent needs to organizations that have the resources to help.

Leaders of the community helped Mike form BTGO in January 2014, operating as a group of volunteers. In June 2014, BTGO developed an intranet website to provide law enforcement and victim advocates with a communication portal to help meet victim needs.  Through the website, information was distributed immediately to approved users, via a push notification system which allows direct communication with one another to meet the need. In May 2015, members of the BTGO team were awarded the City of Portland Police Bureau Commendation Medal for creating the Bridging the Gap website.

BTGO Future

BTGO’s main focus is to build a comprehensive, secure mobile app that will provide more benefits and advancement opportunities than the current website.  The app will feature advanced technology with an integrated alert system, directory of organizations and members, victim resource guide, and private in app messaging for officers and advocates while on duty in the field.  The BTGO app will serve both iOS and Android devices, and be downloadable from iTunes App Store and Google Play Store. The app will be developed to be scalable in the future with features for a mass centralized communication system for city, state and national agencies.  BTGO will test the app in Portland, OR, where the Portland Police Bureau has already approved the app to be downloaded on officer phones.

The app will be a platform for other governmental or social service agencies to have a similar app built. Examples include Dept. of Human Services (immediate placement and resources for children); housing bureaus (for urgent housing or addressing the homeless needs); domestic violence centers, etc.  Apps for these agencies could potentially save the government agencies millions of dollars in staff hours, resources, and crisis/emergency funds, while simultaneously filling immediate needs without the burden.

Other planned BTGO activities will include providing Trauma Informed Training to victim advocates, law enforcement, and other community groups

Bridging the Gap-Oregon is now in the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization, pending IRS approval.



Aenean blandit, lectus sed tempor egestas, dui nisi dictum arcu, quis efficitur nulla lectus congue eros. Vivamus volutpat eget neque ut feugiat. Pellentesque pharetra velit sit amet nibh placerat, non feugiat mi laoreet. Sed enim ex, imperdiet cursus est id, venenatis dictum nulla. Nullam pulvinar lacus nec nibh efficitur, vitae aliquet orci accumsan. Nunc at erat vitae enim viverra congue. Ut luctus dolor elit, a euismod sem euismod nec. Mauris id libero ligula. Donec mollis at sem id tincidunt. Nunc vel malesuada ipsum. Mauris gravida, sapien vel porta commodo, eros arcu faucibus metus, ac iaculis felis lectus in est. Fusce diam magna, ullamcorper nec maximus sit amet, euismod non metus. Nullam dolor elit, aliquet non nisl eget, ultricies placerat ex. Nunc egestas viverra mauris id tristique. Donec ex lacus, scelerisque et nulla at, fringilla porttitor nisi. Ut nec nibh ac justo congue sollicitudin.

Fusce faucibus venenatis dui, quis ornare nisl gravida eu. Curabitur facilisis posuere tempus. Donec in erat eu arcu elementum ornare eu vitae tellus. Nunc lectus lorem, gravida quis massa et, venenatis pulvinar felis. Sed maximus eget velit ut blandit. Morbi luctus tortor et lectus lobortis, a dapibus velit placerat. Vivamus fringilla ante ut cursus ullamcorper. Pellentesque laoreet sagittis posuere.



Praesent vel diam ut arcu tempus eleifend at id leo. Nullam eget felis aliquet, consequat nibh quis, luctus tortor. Aliquam a dolor euismod mi congue tempus quis eu magna. Ut vestibulum sapien urna, elementum maximus lacus condimentum nec. Donec purus urna, rutrum et erat sed, feugiat rutrum risus. Curabitur luctus maximus condimentum. Duis blandit ligula vitae erat sodales, eu molestie mi placerat. Morbi vulputate velit et placerat hendrerit. Praesent sollicitudin augue urna, non ultrices sapien cursus ut. Donec id justo vel metus sollicitudin hendrerit. Nullam fermentum finibus dignissim.